We Are Only Here for a Short Time
We are on this earth for a very short time. With this perspective in mind, we can make choices to optimize this beautiful human experience and appreciate what we have and what we are creating. What do we want our contribution to be? How are we making a difference? Are we part of the solution to the things that disturb or disrupt us? Or are we feeding into the problem? Are we helping others? Are we bringing peace to the planet? One person can make a huge impact, a huge difference. As Gandhi says, “we must be the change we wish to see in the world”. We start with our inner world, and let it ripple out. Also, we can use this perspective when things feel monumentally large in scale within our human experience and interactions. When we tap into our impermanence, we can more easily see the bigger picture, understand human follies, forgive, and stay in the energy of possibility, and solution.
(This is an entry from my book; Be Well: 100 Ways to Heal Your Body, Feel Your Joy, & Love Your Life, available on Amazon)
The Sky’s The Limit

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