The spiritual path wrecks the body
And afterwards restores it to health.
It destroys the house to unearth the treasure,
And with that treasure builds it better than before.
When we choose the spiritual path, part of revealing the treasure is moving into and through all of the protective shields, the wound tightness, and the limited ideas, to release the gunk that does not serve the new house. There are many practices to assist with this process, Body Code Healing is one amazing method of gently moving into and through areas of tightness and fixed ideas and old patterning and into clarity and joy. Sometimes moving through can feel really intense and scary and make us want to turn back more than once. But, if we stay the course, the treasure is revealed, the truth that is within all of us waiting to come forth in a rebirth, a remembering. And when this happens, even the meaning of what went before is lost, as we stand in the new house, alive and joyfully thriving.
The Spiritual Path

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