Welcome Summer!

This morning’s run found Flynn and me on a trail surrounded by summer grasses with a backdrop of mountains and not too far from the ocean. The fog was holding us as we made our way through the Eucalyptus trees on the trail, Flynn running free and finding his simple joy with sticks and berry bushes, now and again barking wildly at certain bird calls with his hair standing erect on his back at the ready! As we wound around to close our run and stretch, I was staring out at the wild soft purple and cream grasses swaying in patterned movements with the breeze, it was so peaceful, I felt so grateful; for my health, for his health, for this beautiful view and nature everywhere, for time, for family and friends and all of the pleasures of life everywhere.

W e l c o m e S u m m e r ! Praise for longer days, more energy, more light, greater ease, greater connection, time for appreciation and pleasure and peace and w a t e r ! Summer’s sun brings the element fire. Supporting healthy fire means eating primarily cooler foods, light grains, fresh fruits and veggies in season, raw dishes and salads, and drinking lots of water!

Summer is ruled by the small intestine and heart. The small intestine’s job is to absorb nutrients from the foods we eat to feed every cell through good blood circulation. Healthy foods and movement are the perfect remedy to support the small intestine, and summer is the perfect time to be active! Exercise alleviates tiredness and lack of energy, reduces excess weight, releases toxins, and regenerates circulation. On a sense level, summer and the heart are connected to the sixth, intuition. Intuition refers to inner knowing (or our gut feeling). So even though summer is a more active (yang) time of year, it’s also a time to balance that out with some stillness and inquiry, ultimately our connection to inner wisdom and a receptive, tranquil, light, and cool (yin) state of being.

Remember that balance is key, and trusting the wisdom of our bodies to tell us just what we need is the best commitment we can make. I wish you blissful, vibrant health, deep belly laughter, tons of play, love, and nourishment!

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